Treatment information

First medical examination

The most important thing in the first medical examination is the examination of the body of qi.
At our clinic, the director or assistant director takes care of the first examination and provides proper individual treatment.
Our staff will conduct a thorough diagnosis of your constitution to find out the true cause of symptoms,
We will determine an individual treatment policy suitable for each patient, and create a treatment plan.
It takes about 90 minutes to finish the exanubatioun process from a medical interview to beginning treatment. 
(For acute issues such as acute low back pain and childrenʼs diseases, it usually takes 30 minutes.)
At our clinic, even new patients can have a thorough examination with professional treatment beginning that day.

During consultation we may choose moxibustion or massage as an alternative to acupuncture.

Treatment flow

Medical interview followed by a physical Examination (pulse and tongue diagnosis and palpation) A determination of treatment options.A causeanalysis and creation of treatment plan.

Frequency of treatment

The frequency of treatment depends on the severity and the length of history of your health issue.We usually recommend treatment about once a week. 
Except for acute serious health issues improvement is experienced within approximately three treatment sessions. The second treatment session should scheduled within one week from the first examination for optimum results.

Adaption diseases

Various aches and pains
Orthopedic diseases
Skin diseases
Psychiatric disorders
Gynecological diseases


< What you should do and should not do after treatment >
1. Avoid drinking any beverages  on the day of treatment,
2. Take a shower without soaking in the bathtub. You may take a shower at least three hours after treatment
3. Protect the neck from air from the air-conditioner
4. Avoid eating too much
5. Have a good sleep

< Healing crisis >
Our acupuncture/moxibustion treatment is a Tai Chi treatment.This from of treatment allow qi  to flow naturally through your meridians to adjust and heal internal organs.

After initial treatment it is likely you will experience a slow down while your body adjusts and heals.

Although it is rare it is possible for you to develop a fever, feel listless all over, or experience diarrhea after treatment.
Since the healing process of your body depends on your constitution, do not feel uneasy about feeling lackluster within three days after treatment.Be patient with your recovery and understand you may experience darkness before the light.
after treatment, but be patient a little taking poor conditions as darkness before light.
Should you have nagging worry we are here to help.Feel free to e-mail or call us with your concerns. 

< Internal bleeding/burned mark after moxibustion >
Normally our treatment does not lead to internal bleeding or a burned mark after moxibustion. However, points with blood stasis or low skin moistures may lead to internal bleeding or a burn. For effective treatment it is not necessary to endure too much heat  in moxibustion treatment. Even if you were to bleed a little it certainly gets better without lasting effects. 
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Ideal condition before treatment

“Avoid a full or completly empty stomach and avoid drinking liquids”
It is ideal to finish eating at least two hours before treatment.
Visit us 10 minutes before treatment. Hydrate yourself a little, go to the bathroom, and steady your breathing at the reception to prepare yourself mentally.
In summer it may take awhile for you to cool down when you arrive. So please visit us a little earlier.


1. Facial paralysis

Mr. H aged 40 visited us one month after developing facial paralysis and hoped to recover in a short time before his wedding.
With only five treatment sessions during a one month, he was pleased to be able to put on a smile in the wedding.
For facial paralysis best results are achieved within three months after development. You can recover fully by a combination of hospital treatment and earlier acupuncture/moxibustion treatment.

2. Atopic dermatitis

Ms. M aged 28 suffered from persistent atopic dermatitis since her childhood without recovering after various treatments. Within ten treatment sessions at out clinic she recovered a full ninety percent. She had six sessions once per week. After that another four sessions two per week. She now visits us only once a month for maintenance to keep her skin beautiful skin condition.

Ms. M is so pleased with her beautiful skin and now for the first time is able to wear make-up. 

3. Spinal canal stenosis

Mr. A aged 85 was not able to move his legs after walking 100 m. He was diagnosed as spinal canal stenosis at the hospital. After debating whether or not to undergo an operation, he visited us on referral from his acquaintance. With our 12 sessions he is now able to walk 5000-6000 steps every day without having any problems in his daily life. Recently, he resumed his golf practice. He recovered 90%.

4. Migraine

Ms. Y aged 40 and the mother of two children suffered from severe migraine headaches. When experiencing a migraine headache she would vomit repeatedly and was not able to move all day due to the pain.

Ms. Y experienced this ailment for over 20 years without any medical treatment having success.

During the period of our treatment, her condition went up and down, but ten sessions led to 50% recovery and a total of 15 sessions led to 70% recovery. Currently her occasional migraine goes away after taking a rest. She continues to visit us once a month for improvement.

5. Frozen shoulder

Mr. T aged 56 was not able to sleep well due to pain in the left shoulder. Numbness and pain in the arm were severe and he was not able to concentrate on at work.

With our six intensive treatment sessions his pain was reduced by ninety percent and he was able to sleep well. After that a few additional intensive treatment sessions resulted in complete recovery .

6. Depression

Ms. O aged 27 had a history of acute depression for over eight years.. After five sessions her stomach pain disappeared and she decided to stop all medications.Ms.O finished another five sessions fighting with adverse effects, which resulted in a seventy percent recovery. Ms. O is now able to do appropriate exercise routines and has gained mental stability without further headaches. Ms. O is free from severe periods pains and lives a normal comfortable life.

She visits us once a month for continual improvement.

7. Benign thyroid tumor

Ms. M aged 54 visited us after being diagnosed as adenomatoid goiter at the Ito Hospital. As the goiter had a noticeable size in the left side of the neck, she was always wearing a scarf around the neck. She stopped taking drugs and received our treatment once per two weeks 12 times in total, recovering nearly completely.

8. Pimples

Mr. B aged 21 had suffered from pimples for ten years. He tried various drugs, but pimples on the cheek, forehead, and chin did not disappear.
Since his childhood, he was likely to have tonsillitis and gastrointestinal problems. He received our treatment once a week five times and then twice a month, which totaled 12 sessions over half a year, recovering completely.



Doctor’s hours: 10:00-18:00

Regular holidays: Wednesdays Sundays and national holidays